Technical information

Height (inches)


Chimney connection base

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Dimensions (measurements on drawings below are in millimeters)

Width (inches) 42,5
Depth (inches) 42,5
Height (inches) 66,1
Weight (pounds) 7738
Firebox width (inches) 15,7
Firebox depth (inches) 14,4
Bakeoven width (inches) 17,7
Bakeoven depth (inches) 30,1

Heating performance

Energy class A+
Heated area, sq ft (depending on heating requirements) 550-1300
Nominal heat output, kW 2,0
Efficiency % LHV 86
Maximum load of wood per 24 hours, lbs 54,7
Heat release time at 100% (hours) (this is how long the heater stays at its hottest) 7,5
Heat release time at 50% (hours) (this how long the heater stays over 50% of its hottest) 28,1
Heat release time at 25% (hours) (this how long the heater stays over 25% of its hottest; it's T25) 47,6

Safety distances to combustibles

Safety distance, back (inches) (can be reduced to 3" with a UL/ULC specified heat shield) 20
Safety distance, sides (inches) (can be reduced to 3" with a UL/ULC specified heat shield) 14
Safety distance, top (inches) 10
Safety distance, front (inches) 48

Chimney connection and combustion air information

Recommended flue diameter, ø in 7-8