Technical information



Width, mm 1060
Depth, mm 748
Height, mm 1260
Weight, kg 1120
Firebox width, mm 310
Firebox depth, mm 245

Heat technology

Energy sign A+
Area to be heated, m2 30-50
Energy intensity, kWh 32,1
Nominal power (min-max), kW 1,4
Efficiency, % 91
CO, mg/Nm3 1125
Particles, mg/Nm3 32
OGC, mg/Nm3 80
NOx, mg/Nm3 148
Maximum amount of wood, kg 8
Heat release time (h) 100% 3,0
Heat release time (h) 50% 14,0
Heat release time (h) 25% 22,4

Safety distances

Safety distances back, mm 150
Safety distances side, mm 150
Safety distances up, mm 250
Safety distances front, mm 1000

Chimney connection and combustion air information

Chimney recommendation, ø mm 150..180
Average flue gas temperature °C 106
Max. flue gas temperature °C 284
Minimum draft of the flue, Pa. 12
Flue gas outlet temperature °C 127
Flue gas mass flow, g/s 10,3

Other considerations

A = Width of the chimney opening (mm), B = maximum dimension for the upper edge of the chimney opening from the floor (mm), C = minimum dimension for the lower edge of the chimney opening from the floor (mm)