
There are different types of heat.

You wouldn’t think so, but there’s a difference between heat and heat

The radiant heat generated by a heat-retaining fireplace is like the pleasant warmth of the sun, which heats efficiently. The heat is distributed evenly throughout the room and the room stays comfortably warm for a long time, providing caressing warmth for people and objects alike. A heat-retaining fireplace does not burn the indoor air or make it dry and stuffy – the indoor air stays fresh and is easy to breathe.

The radiant heat of a heat-retaining fireplace is therefore different from the convection heat of traditional room-heating stoves. The convection heat from wood-burning stoves rises to the ceiling. The heat is not retained in a wood-burning stove but builds up around the stove and escapes outside through the chimney.

“Single firing is easier than having to keep adding firewood all the time.”

– Maurice, Spijkenisse, the Netherlands –

A heat-retaining fireplace doesn’t waste heat or firewood like a conventional wood-burning stove, where you have to keep the fire going all the time. The firewood burns quickly and efficiently in the firebox of a heat-retaining fireplace, which means the heat-retaining material of the fireplace can quickly start to store the heat. A few loads of wood are enough to heat any room and the warmth is radiates into the home for more than 24 hours.

A fireplace is not just a producer of heat or something that is nice to look at. It is both at the same time, plus it can be used for cooking in a very versatile way. Tulikivi’s collection of fireplaces has a fireplace for every space and requirement. With a Tulikivi soapstone fireplace you can generate heat independently whenever you need it. It is an economical and safe choice from your own perspective and from the perspective of future generations.